Support the mission at Sheldon Baptist Church

Everything we do at Sheldon Baptist Church happens through your generous and faithful giving.  All gifts – no matter the size –make a difference. Together, we’re helping more people experience a life-changing relationship with Jesus – transforming lives within our church, our community, and around the world.

GIVE ONLINE (click here)

Unleash your generosity by giving through our safe and secure Grow Generosity digital platform.  You can make a one-time donation by debit card, give through your bank account, or set up recurring donations, all from your computer or mobile phone. 


Giving can be as easy as sending a text! To try it out, all you have to do is text “@bfsc Give $25 to #sheldon” to 52014. To send different amounts just change the 25 to your dollar amount preference.


If you prefer, you can still give during our worship service by filling out one of our envelopes and placing your tithes and offerings in the offering plate.


If you would prefer to send a check by mail, you can send to: Sheldon Baptist Church, PO Box 37, Sheldon SC 29941.